I recently issued a call-out to my wedding industry colleagues to include more diversity in the styled shoots our dresses are featured in, and I’m very happy to see a shift happening...both with the models selected, and the professionals who feel comfortable approaching us. This gorgeous styled shoot featuring our
Ophelia gown, is just one of many coming soon that I’m so proud to share.

In the past, I hoped that leading by example would inspire change. I hoped that sending my subtle or not-so-subtle signals featuring diverse shades of beauty in our shows and campaigns would be enough to show that my doors are open and welcoming. But the truth is, we can do more, so a couple of months ago, we made some changes. For every request to borrow dresses, we are encouraging diversity in model choices, and letting everyone know that we have a variety of sample sizes, and would love to loan dresses for curvy models. Women of all ethnicities are gorgeous, and they make my dresses look beautiful, but I also have a heightened sense of responsibility to my bi-racial daughter. I want her to see women of color celebrated, and I want to live in a world where racism is a part of our history, not our future.

When the Black Lives Matter protests began across this country and here in my home city of Los Angeles, I spoke out on social media with some pretty personal posts. Being a white woman, married to a black man for 26 years, and having a bi-racial daughter gives me a unique perspective. It can feel scary to speak up, and there are no simple answers, but I'm so glad to see more people at least trying. A dialog is happening, listening and learning are beginning, and introspection is taking place, and these are the first steps towards real change.

Our work is just beginning, but I just want to say thank you. Thanks to all of the collaborators for putting this shoot together, thank you to Erin for being such a gorgeous model, and thank you to
Alicia Lucia Photos for capturing these images that make my heart happy. Thank you to all of you who have sent such kind and heartfelt words of support over the last few months. 2020 hasn't been easy for any of us on so many levels, but compassion and understanding helps!

Social Media is not always a kind or safe place, just like the world we live in, and sometimes the rush to judge can be so harsh. But I continue to believe that we can evolve with respect, with justice, with equal consideration, and ultimately with LOVE. I'm so grateful to see people standing up for change that is long overdue. Seeing a beautiful, curvy Black woman featured in one of my dresses is just a small step in the right direction, and I know it's not saving any lives, but little things add up. For my daughter's sake, for your son's sake, for all of us, we've got to make sure that we continue on this journey to be better.
Dress: Ophelia by Claire Pettibone
Photographer: @alicialuciaphotos
Flowers: @flowerloopnm
Hair: @dianarosehair, @something_ginger
Makeup: @katamakeup
Jewelry: @ooaahjewelry
Model: @efrangib
1 comment
I love this. So so much. Yes to diversity and yes to different shapes and sizes!!!! We need so much more of that. I am a mama of a biracial 6 year old son. Even before he came in to this world. I have always felt urgency for change. So glad it is happening and really hoping and praying it will continue!! Amen to talking about this is history not present or future!!!